What the “DoF” stands for?
DoF means “degrees of freedom”. The term describes motions around an axis or along an axis. In Virtual Reality, DoF term is used to describe the axis that is being tracked. But what does it exactly mean?
The difference between 3DoF vs 6DoF: a real-life example
Imagine that there is an oil leak from your car. You can see the oil spill on the floor. What you would probably do is lay down and check what’s going on under the car. But you can’t. You can look up and down, but you can’t lay down to look under the engine. Frustrating, right?
Yaw, Pitch and Roll that matter
In 3DoF you can look up, down, right and left. But that’s it. However, if you wanted to lay down, move back, or forward, then you must do it in the 6DoF world.
6DoF is associated with more advanced VR goggles—standalone or tethered. Most importantly, only 6DoF allows for freedom of movement in a three-dimensional space. The yaw, pitch and roll is essential when realizing an immersive training and taking full advantage of Virtual Reality.
Use cases of 3DoF in VR:
- Great use in hospitals and other medical places with limited space
- Adequate for disabled or elderly patients
- Helps to minimize nausea effects
- Great for relaxation and meditation experiences
Use cases of 6DoF in VR:
- Accurate for a more immersive effect
- Maximally imitates the natural movements in real world
- Great for interactive VR apps
- Finds its application in VR Industrial, Safety or Oil and Gas trainings